Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Alice In Chains

Alice In Chains

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Speak True

I am constantly reminded of a phrase/philosophy used by a former employer. It is "Speak True". It applies to many things in life, but most of all the spirit in which you live.

Last night I experienced one of those moments in which all points led to this philosophy. I was at the Alice in Chains listening party for the new Record, Black Gives Way to Blue . For those of you who do not know who Alice in Chains are, they were and now still are one of the leading forces of rock in what was called the Grunge Movement born in Seattle.

My relationship with the band started back in 1987 when they were all living in their rehearsal room at a group of studios called the Music Bank. Little did we know that it was really a front for the largest Pot Growing operation in the Northwest. Jerry had to talk the police into letting him take the band gear out into the street so it would not get confiscated. Later that day I picked him and the gear up and headed to London Bridge recording studios to start making a demo to shop to record companies. We made the demo, shopped the tape and soon they were signed to Columbia Records. The band had hits, sold millions, won all the trappings of rock stars, but that's not the story.

The story is here that after all these years, Alice in Chains has come back strong as ever with a new record that clearly is all Alice in Chains. They are not trying to chase trends, please radio, or suck up to record executives. They have delivered another milestone in rock that will surly cement their place as rock icons. Alice in Chains has always delivered, during the good and bad days of their existence. Since that first day in London Bridge and the records that followed, you had no doubt who you were listening to. Alice in Chains is different without Layne, but it is still Alice in Chains. Layne still has a presence in the band, and always will. His personality and spirit is infused in Jerry, Sean, Mike, and yes even William.

Alice in Chains is now clearly in a good space of existence. What I heard last night on the record and live was clearly a cathartic experience. While they are by no means butterflies, they have come back out of their cocoon and brought with them a record full of life, emotion, and humor that is uniquely Alice. I have a pretty simple rule in how I choose music that I listen to. It has to be real. I have my preferences, but really don't care about the genre, if it’s genuine. I can tell you that what I saw and experienced last night was genuine. It was emotional for me watching them on stage last night performing with the same honesty and vulnerability that attracted me to the band in the beginning.

I miss Layne. I wish I could have done something to prevent his death. I do think about that. I also really know that, in the end I was powerless over his life, and even that hurts, but I have a new feeling of peace with the band and the music that will go on as it should. I am extremely proud of Jerry, Sean, Mike, and William for having the courage to come back together and create again. My hats off to them and a special thank you to those that kept it going behind the scenes, Susan, Beno and the team at Velvet Hammer, as well as Bill Siddons, Kevan Wilkins, and so many others.

Rock lives on and Black Give way to Blue Speaks True.